Kmart; Useful after all.

This is an Android-powered netbook made by Augen. You can buy it from Kmart. The price- a scantly $190. It comes with a 10.2-inch screen, 1024×600 display and weighs 1.8lbs. It’s also got an 800MHz ARM11-based chip and a mere 256MB of RAM. There’s 2GB of storage- Wait. Did I just say 800MHz? Crap…That’s slower than the processor in my phone! No really! *pulls out $50 netbook knock off from china* I’m gonna make a note of this *notes DO NOT BUY* Right, so don’t buy this. Unless you don’t have computer money and you’re reading this blog from the library in-between your PR0N watching and your pirated-movie torrenting. Seriously. creeper. Pedobear’s coming for you!

…Or you could just buy a tablet.

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