Archive for the ‘ Art ’ Category

THIS KID…He’s better than yours.


Lets see; He’s three. He paints better than you. Of course, since it’s me, I’m gonna go ahead and call it fake.

Hey! Your costume…

It sucks. At least compared to this, it does.



12 Awesome iPad Decals

A few days ago we put a post up showing off a rather retro decal you could have for your iPad. So with this is mind thought we’d share with you some alternatives you may like to have on the back of your iPad.

Homer iPad Decal
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Made From Lego

After reading an article somewhere show casing that someone had made made the Android logo out of Lego it made me wonder what other things had been made out of Lego.  Now I know that of course that there is Lego Land where the path you walk on is probably made from it, but I wanted to see something a wee bit different.  Here is what I found.

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This is awesome, you should view it

There’s a lot more to see here, so HIT IT for the full size in all it’s brain-melting goodness.

Clouds, birds, Moon, Venus

THIS is an iPad.

For those of you who have iPads and still hold on to your VHS tapes, (seriously, WHY are you doing that?) $15 for the iPhones and other devices,  and $20 for iPad and laptop. Will I be buying one? Short answer; hell yes.

Infectious via Buzzfeed

Traditional Drawings

With the increase of what can be done with technology it’s nice to see that there are still some tradiotnal old school artists that still like to use the good old fashioned pencil and paper. have comiled a list of the 50 most realistic drawings. Here you will see some of the highest standards of drawings that I think you will ever see. The drawings include some celebrities such as Keira Knightly to Rhianna but also including some unkown faces too. Check them out

Minalmist Poster of the week

You see, This is a minimalist Star wars poster. Kinda tells the entire movie doesn’t it? This is just like in the movie never back down No, I’m not going there.

What if…

Hitler was a hipster?

8-Bit Youtubes

That’s your daily fill of youtube!