Archive for the ‘ Art ’ Category

My little soild snake

Isn’t he cute? I could just eat him with a bowl of milk! *OM NOM NOM* Mmmmm…Tasty.

Shhh…Teh F iz Fing teh C.

And I’ll leave it at that.

Well, Obviously…

This song is very meme’d.

Mmmmmm…Delicious Hadoken.

I didn’t know that hadoken was fish. Good to know.

Reliving your childhood, the right way

A car that looks like it’s made out of gigantic lego blocks. Nice.

Space-time continuum win

This is ray Bradbury watching that infinitely dirty “Fuck me Ray Bradbury” music video. I think he’s pleasantly surprised, and will be pedo-ing it up in no time.

Hit the jump for the (NSFW) video. Continue reading

Defaced? I THINK NOT!

Refaced is more like it. EH. I’d pay a few dollars for that dollar! That’s right.

This is one of four places.

It’s either Mount Olympus, Asgard, a Galaxy far far away, or IRAS 05437+2502. If y0u guessed A galaxy far far away; you’re wrong-It’s a nebula. Either way, the IRAS 05437+2502 nebula was discovered in 1983, back when astrology astronomy was still cool.


I am blind. Once Again.

And now you are too. Hopefully. If you are, then I wouldn’t guess you’re reading this. “How am I writing this?” The nonlblinded people ask. IM MAGIC. Nuff said.

I always wondered what the other ones looked like…

Everyone knows good ol’ #2. But do you know the muffin man other eleven? OF COURSE YOU DON’T! Because they were created after the internet. See that genetics? You dun goof’d.

Now you do.

Laughing Squid