Archive for the ‘ Photos ’ Category

This is awesome, you should view it

There’s a lot more to see here, so HIT IT for the full size in all it’s brain-melting goodness.

Clouds, birds, Moon, Venus

Mmmmmm…Delicious Hadoken.

I didn’t know that hadoken was fish. Good to know.

Space-time continuum win

This is ray Bradbury watching that infinitely dirty “Fuck me Ray Bradbury” music video. I think he’s pleasantly surprised, and will be pedo-ing it up in no time.

Hit the jump for the (NSFW) video. Continue reading

I am blind. Once Again.

And now you are too. Hopefully. If you are, then I wouldn’t guess you’re reading this. “How am I writing this?” The nonlblinded people ask. IM MAGIC. Nuff said.

Oh ho ho, I see what you did there!

I don’t know how the Namba Parks building in Osaka, Japan, which looks like a giant PS3, has stayed quiet on the intarwebs all these years. At least it finally came. HO! I just made a sex joke. That’s a first.


Repair Shop failure.

CAN WE FIX IT? YES WE CAN! (except doorbells. We can’t fix those, they’re too complicated)

If you happen to be “The King” at a beach, this is how you win.

That’s right, you photobomb as many bikini shots as humanly possible, and as inhumanly possible as well. Why you would wear tights to a beach is beyond me. As a matter of fact, why doesn’t The King have a beach outfit? C’mon Burger King, you’re dropping the ball. You character needs to be more like the Old Spice Guy.

The deep, dark abyss known as your eyes.

That’s what eyes look like really really close up. They look like a sandy beach with a bottomless pit in the middle. Mine look like the oil spill with the sun in the middle. But I bet the GW’s look like a beach, with a lake in the middle. A burbon lake!

Hit the jump for some of my favorites, and a link to a gallery. Continue reading

Pfft; Who needs the bat signal when you have a sparkler?

Hit it for the full size!

A Canon EOS 7D + a cheapo fireworks sparkler + long exposure black magic= More awesome than batman.

That’s math folks; don’t argue with it.

Batman on fire– flikr