Archive for the ‘ Awesomeness ’ Category

Gentlemen, (and Ladies), tis the last computer you will ever need.

*blows dust off blog* Well, how have you been? If you haven’t noticed, It’s been a while. Oh right… The computer.   It’s called the Xi3 Modular. “Modular?” You ask? Why yes, it has three boards that will could probably be upgraded forever. Hmm! I like the sound of that. Oh and look, It’s so cute, cuddly, and aluminium-ey.

The tiny Xi3 Modular has one board with two AMD Athlon 64 processors and the RAM, while two I/O boards handle all connectivity and input/output requirements. They say that, by changing these boards you can “upgrade this computer forever” to save money and resources.

It’s designed to be mounted damn near everywhere too. Lets see, dual display support with 1080p DVI, VGA, HDMI, LVDS and DP output. Oh yeah, it also has 6 USB and 2 SATA ports, Xi3p as well as PCIe.

$849. Booyah.


Bose make bluetooth headsets?

I suppose they do now. via Engadget

Bose is the latest, launching what it claims is its first single-ear Bluetooth headset. The aural implant carries the family name and touted audio quality / proprietary technology, but functionality-wise, it’s not much different than your run-of-the-mill earpiece. Of course, that branding carries a lot of weight with some folks, and for them, plan on paying just shy of $150 (before tax) when it comes out late November.

I really don’t know about this. Don’t get me wrong, I like Bose and all, they make good speakers, and one kickass television, but it’s just plain expensive. I digress. Its the branding folks, All about branding.

(shameless plug time)

Geekologie T-shirts and mugs! Only $19.99 a piece! They’re selling almost like Hotcakes!


Have you ever thought to yourself, “Gee, there’s no good electronic jazz-fusion music around. Where can I find some?”

Since you probably have, I have good news! Hailing from the wonderful city of Cape Town, South Africa, comes the downtempo/nu jazz/other weird genre band Goldfish, composed of the duo Dom Peters on the double bass, keyboard, and groove box, and David Poole on the alto and tenor sax, samplers, and the occasional vocal part. You may recognize them from their song “Fort Knox”, which was featured in the Kia Soul commercial with the hamsters. (The first one, not the one with “The Choice is Yours” by Black Sheep)

Minor publicity aside, this band has seen very little attention here in the states, though quite popular in their home country from what I understand, as well as having a name in some European circles. For anyone who has listened to their stuff, they know this lack of acknowledgment is criminal. (Unless they’re hipsters, in which case we’ll have to agree to disagree)

They currently have three full-length albums out: 2006’s Caught in the Loop with such great tracks as “Egyptology” and “Highfalutin,” 2008’s Perceptions of Pacha, with “Hold Tight” and “Soundtracks and Comebacks,” and 2010’s Get Busy Living, which I have not listened to all that much yet. They are a fantastic groups whose name needs to be spread.

Belkin Conserve Smart AV Surge Protector Saves Energy Automatically

It’s a surge strip that saves energy. How does it do it’s thing?

One port serves as the master, while the other five are master-controlled.When the master device is turned on, the other five ports are activated. When the master is turned off, power to the master controlled devices is canceled.

So, don’t plug in anything you may need in with something you don’t- Like a fan in the master, and a television in another port.

Belkin Conserve Smart AV Surge Protector Saves Energy Automatically.

How to save $2,000 on a Mac!

This is what you do; make the computer out of PC parts, jam it into an amazon shipping box, install Snow Leopard, and call it a day. Guess the cost. $900. Yes, $900!

Foregoing the sleek aluminum casing with the gigantic Apple logo emblazoned on the side, Kalvin used the Amazon shipping box that all the computer parts he ordered came in. While this hackintosh won’t win any beauty contests, its somewhat of an oxymoron — a high-end computer with the lowest-end exterior possible. Might we suggest you use some spare Apple stickers to decorate it?

Computer specs don’t skimp either, with a 2.66Ghz Core i5 CPU, 1TB hard drive, 8GB of 1,333Mhz DDR3 RAM and XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB DDR5 graphics. The entire thing of course runs Snow Leopard. Something tells me that Kalvin and co. won’t have any problems running challenging applications like Adobe After Effects or even playing some Portal on their new cardboard mac.

Yay fire hazard!

Hit the jump for a video of the madness. Continue reading

Parents+ Facebook+ You= FAIL

Aaand, Superman’s a mac. Yeah- I knew that. No really. Seriously. Okay, I was lying. But still, this is why you SHOULD NOT befriend your parents on facebook. It could end badly. Very badly.



XXL Restaurant

Yesterday we published an article about the new Whopper Pizza that looking at it is a pretty sizeable meal, but how about taking this kinda madness to a restaurant???

In a town called Hofheim which is 17km away from Frankfurt is The Waldgeist Restaurant which only sells food and drink fit for well you would think giants.

The Beer is sold in either 1/2, 1 or 2 litres to accompany your Lumberjack Steak which is approximately 600g (1 1/4 lb) in weight.

The Pictures for the food are awesome, you can check out there website by clicking here, certainly worth a visit when you’re next in Europe.

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Really Guys?

A whopper pizza? Really?

A“burger” made with 4 Whopper patties, pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, marinara sauce and pesto is coming in September to the New York City BK Whopper Bar in Times Square.

This has ‘Heart Attack’ written all over it. I’m ordering 2!

Write for this blog!

Hi there Internet! I’d suppose that you like what you see here since I’m getting about 1,000 views a day. Well you know what, thanks for coming back. Now, I need your help. Tell your friends! Send us tips! Ask to write for us! Really guys, if we can push out more original posts (from your submissions) we can get plugged by bigger blogs. And hey, the more traffic I get, the more stuff I can do- this means reviews, a custom theme, and a wider subject scope. So please, do what I say. You won’t regret it.

– Capt’n Awesome
Oh, and send tips to

Robot Exoskeleton…..For Kids?

Kids Walker

I’m sure every child would love this idea. How cool would be to be part robot, part human, to be super strong, and to be able to knock cars over as if they were toys. To a degree your child can be exactly that…partly…well, sort of.

The Kids Walker is a robo-esque suit that you place your little bundle of joy in the robo seat and then he can cruise around the local neighbourhood.

Powered by gas, this suit weighs in at nearly 1/4 of a ton. It cannot navigate its way around rocky terrain, nor can it navigate its way up or down stairs- but is best suited to smooth surfaces such as drive ways and pavements. Whilst this isn’t available to buy, if it were, there’s an estimated price of at least £13,000.