Archive for the ‘ Awesomeness ’ Category

This’ll set the mood (oh yeah!)

It’s Justice by genesis. It’ll make you want to take over the world DESTROY THE MOON! Just because I hate cheese. And everyone knows the moon’s made of cheese.

How’d you get out of the internet?

Now you can confuse old people AND SMALL CHILDREN! Naaah, don’t do that, it’s mean. But seriously, get this stationery.  It’s awesome

Hit it for two more.

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I can feel the delicious in my heart! Bacon Pancakes

Stop trying to make awesome foods, because you’re never gonna top pancakes with bacon filling! And what’s more, they were invented at least 5 years ago! Aunt Jemima herself may have invented these tasty buggers, since she’s right there next to em. On the blue box. With the really creepy smile. You know what? I’m gonna back away real slow-like.

Joe DeVilla

You ain’t got nothin on NASA!

In case you’re living in a cave with the door locked, President Obama has pulled funding on NASA’s mars and moon base plans, expecting the private sector to take over. Guess what? It actually worked.

That's it. The thing with the flames coming out of it

SpaceX Falcon 9 launched from Cape Canaveral this afternoon, in a picture-perfect liftoff. The vehicle separation occurred as planned, and shortly after that, the second stage ignited as designed. Beautiful!

In its first attempt at launch earlier today, Falcon 9 remained on its launch pad at Cape Canaveral because of an engine abort with about a second before liftoff. After that happened, SpaceX said the spacecraft put itself into “safe mode.”

A few minutes later, SpaceX reported, “The pad abort involved an out-of-limit startup parameter.” About an hour later, the countdown was resumed, and the powerful two-stage rocket gracefully lifted off the launch pad. At 9 minutes,4 seconds after launch, Falcon 9 achieved Earth orbit.

Well, with the phasing out of NASA’s space bases (while the president wants them to focus on “Space Taxis”), it would appear that space travel will be a business, and the Average Joe and Jane (with enough money) will be able to go up there. So, with that said, I WANNA BE THE FIRST!