Archive for the ‘ Weapons ’ Category

Wind turbines; Good for the enviromnent, Bad for the US military.

The Inconvenient Truth Of Wind Turbine Radar Blackout Zones

The “world-saving” wind turbine has been sighted as a danger by the military, as the rise of wind farms threatens national security. Why? It creates radar “blackout zones”

Spinning turbines are “indistinguishable” from airplanes on radar systems, according to the NYT, which is reporting a growing rift between those who want renewable energy sources spanning the country and those who want an America free of radar holes. Radar holes which could hide attacking terrorists flying airplanes bought off the Russian black-market.

While no incidents have occurred, the military is taking steps to prevent any from occurring.

Passive aggressive anger at it’s best.

Why do I say passive-aggressive? Because if it was aggressive, there would be death metal and terminators.

I’m sorry, but no couple should be this lonely. Ever.

Meet Aimec, the creation of Tony and Judie Ellis, a robot building couple from South-East England. Aimec follows them around their 18th century country home, cracking jokes, laughing, and searching online for interesting things to tell its parents, just like a real kid.

Aimec is also adept at imitating vintage robot voices, and is said to do a mean C-3PO. It even snores when you put it to sleep, and wakes up with a little stretch.

The couple runs a robotics company called Conceptioneering out of their house, and made their fortune with a game called Cube World. Tony expects Aimec could be on the market within a year or two, selling for an impossibly low sounding $300.

No. This is all extremely scary. Not the fact that it exists, but the fact that they want everyone to have one. And with it being cheaper than most Apple products, everyone probably will.

I’m so scared I think I just pooped a little…

That is the C.R.A.B (Cybernetic Remote Autonomous Barricade) Police robot; I think it’ll work. For about thirteen seconds; then it’ll probably kill us all. It’s just a concept now, but the things that it could do (anything and everything including sodomy…probably) just scare me soooo much. I’ll tell you what, If I had to choose between one of therse, and 5,000 zombies, I’d gladly take my pet T-rex, fly away, and Nuke them both. Ya gotta nuke somethin’. What? You really thought I was gonna choose one? Fat chance buster.

Hit the jump for a bunch more pics and a couple videos. Continue reading

Sneak it on a plane!

It would be hard for me to explain how to solve this puzzle, so I’ll just give you the answer. A 45 caliber golden gun. No, this won’t make you James Bond. But it might help you stop super villains. That is to say, if you have a couple hours to whip out your gun.

The Intimidator puzzle, by machinist GarE Maxton, comprises six different kinds of metal: aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, magnesium, and steel. When disassembled, it’s an impressive array of pieces- 125!

Not all of those go into the weapon itself, of course. Because the Intimidator’s way more than just a gun:

“[It’s] a customized set of tools, all necessary hardware, 45 caliber bullets, a standard sight, a laser sight, a canister containing black powder pellets, a secure storage area for 209 shotgun primers, a spent primer removal tool and a ramrod for loading the bullets.”

This is gonna make so many terrorists so happy… Hit the jump for the cube disassembled and the assembled gun.

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Doin’ it right!

I’m not exactly sure how he did it, but it’s damn cool!

Ah, sweet, sweet stabby jello…Wait, WHAT?

This is a knife made out of jello Fiber optic glass! That’s right, the same stuff that makes our internets faster than greased lightning!

A knifemaker used a process called knapping, a throwback method of shaping stones into useful tools, to form it.

It’s super fuggin awesome. Get yours now for $165.

Doin it right; Zombie protection.

Needs some rockets and explosives.

Whoever these people are, they’re well protected from the zombies. I am too because mine is bigger. My weapons stash, not my boobs. Okay, maybe they are bigger.

For when yer’ shotgun runs outta dem der bullets

You know it’s coming. Yep, the zombie Apocalypse. And while some people prefer blunt weapons, I’ll be carrying my favorite four- A shotgun, that, a Gatling gun, and a 1987 Barbie. That’s right, a barbie. Because i’m all man, baby!

The powerful X-Torq® engine allows for rapid acceleration, reduced emissions and low fuel consumption. The handlebar is angled 7 degrees for better posture during cutting. The thumb throttle control is designed for comfortable use over a long period of time.

Long periods of time, eh? This’ll be great for those long zombie- slayin missions!

Product Site
Husqvarna 355FX Forestry Saw Is Your Secret Weapon To Getting To The Front Of That iPhone 4 Line [ohgizmo]