Archive for the ‘ Apple ’ Category

How to save $2,000 on a Mac!

This is what you do; make the computer out of PC parts, jam it into an amazon shipping box, install Snow Leopard, and call it a day. Guess the cost. $900. Yes, $900!

Foregoing the sleek aluminum casing with the gigantic Apple logo emblazoned on the side, Kalvin used the Amazon shipping box that all the computer parts he ordered came in. While this hackintosh won’t win any beauty contests, its somewhat of an oxymoron — a high-end computer with the lowest-end exterior possible. Might we suggest you use some spare Apple stickers to decorate it?

Computer specs don’t skimp either, with a 2.66Ghz Core i5 CPU, 1TB hard drive, 8GB of 1,333Mhz DDR3 RAM and XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB DDR5 graphics. The entire thing of course runs Snow Leopard. Something tells me that Kalvin and co. won’t have any problems running challenging applications like Adobe After Effects or even playing some Portal on their new cardboard mac.

Yay fire hazard!

Hit the jump for a video of the madness. Continue reading

In case you didn’t hear, this happened.

So, yeah. You can get an iPad at your local Target now. I wouldn’t recommend buying it though. I heard from a little bird that the iPad 2 is coming in early 2011.

9 to 5 mac.

Turn Your iPhone into a Slot Machine


Called Jackpot Slots this fun and interesting dock transforms your iPhone or iPod touch into a casino-style slot machine.

To get the most out of the dock you will need to download The Jackpot Slots app.  Complete with reel-spinning action that mimics some of the world’s finest casinos, the app also has multiple games, interactive one-armed bandit competitions and select prize giveaways, whilst at the same time charging your phone.

The dock costs $39.99 and can be bought at J&R.COM

Apple’s Dream Machine

Brabus, the world-famous Mercedes-Benz modifiers certainly don’t do anything by halves.  Now Brabus have made an extra special Mercedes S600 called the iBusiness.

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12 Awesome iPad Decals

A few days ago we put a post up showing off a rather retro decal you could have for your iPad. So with this is mind thought we’d share with you some alternatives you may like to have on the back of your iPad.

Homer iPad Decal
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It’s an iPad triple play!

The Kensington PowerBack. It’s a case. It’s a dock. ITS A KICKSTAND.

It packs a 4400mAh battery should give you a 5-hour 1UP, and comes with a bonus microUSB charge/sync port, so you never have to remove the case (except to clean it- which you should do. Grime and stuff is bad for…well everything.) What’s more; the kickstand. It will hold your iPad up in both portrait and landscape mode. The pack? not top bulky- $130.


Wallee for Ipad – A New Type of Hard Case

No! Before you go any further it has absolutely nothing to do with WALL•E, Disney’s lovable little yellow robot. The Wallee is a new hard case designed for the iPad, but with a little twist.

The Wallee is a hard protective case with a small shape cut into the back. This allows the iPad to be mounted on a wall plate within your home. That’s right- THE WALL. Via the product site;

A simple turn and click & your iPad is locked into position, another turn and click and it is released together with its hard protective shell.

The Wallee is now available for purchase and you can buy one for $49.95 AU ( Australian dollars ) here. You can also buy extra wall plates for $10 AU . You will also get free worldwide shipping. (Yay! Free shipping!)

THIS is an iPad.

For those of you who have iPads and still hold on to your VHS tapes, (seriously, WHY are you doing that?) $15 for the iPhones and other devices,  and $20 for iPad and laptop. Will I be buying one? Short answer; hell yes.

Infectious via Buzzfeed

Oh ho, I see what you did there

Wondering where the old nano went? Take a look down there. Yep. They made it the NEW Nano, and NEW shuffle. But shhhhh, tell your friends, but don’t tell Apple.

Maybe I can’t read in the sun, but I can do everything else!

I don’t care how much you paid for your sunglasses; I’m still gonna smash them, and then throw your kindle in the pool. Ragging on the iPad like that, *kisses* I love you… But really though, The Kindle is the best THE BEST e-reader of all time. Thank you.