Archive for the ‘ Computers ’ Category

What’s that? Why yes, it IS another infographic!

This isn’t the entire thing, THIS IS. So read it and fill your brain with all the apple information you’ll ever need to know plus some. READ IT!

This is…The PC of my dreams.

Remember that computer I posted about a while back? No? Hit that link there and read it! Anyway, that computer costs $18,000 and is not very gamer friendly. This one, however is much more gamer friendly; and costs almost $2,000 less! Continue reading

Colorware; Making it easier to get rid of unwanted money.

For only $145, colorware will make your Magic Trackpad any color above and below the sea. The purpose? None really- just another reason why some people just don’t need money.

Do you know what this means?

No? It’s the time of day that people go into firefox’s “Private browsing” (aka pr0n) mode.

The Mozilla Firefox metrics blog just published detailed data about what times of the day Firefox users switch over to private browsing mode (a.k.a. porn mode) and for how long. The results probably won’t surprise you.
They identified four daily spikes in usage.

The first is around lunchtime, then there’s another right after people get home from work around 5:00 PM. Then there’s a spike around 10:00 PM and a final, smaller one a couple hours after midnight.

Ho ho, I see… SO THATS what that mode is for… Be back in ten minutes. Continue reading

Best Buy Tablet News!

Best Buy, Best known for the ‘Best’ deals for Buying electronic products, currently sells one tablet; the iPad, and it’s ashamed, to say the least. By the time holiday season 2010 rolls around, that should be very distant memory.

Microsoft intends for Windows 7 to be powering quite a few tablet devices in the near future, but it’s been somewhat difficult to nail down exact time frames for release outside of Samsung’s Q3-bound Galaxy Tab (which won’t even run Windows). According to Shawn Score, president of Best Buy Mobile, the company will be making “tablets a focus… going into the holidays.” He continued: “Like e-readers over the last couple years, we think customers will think of Best Buy for tablets and expect us to have the right ones.”

So what does all this mean? It means that we’re gonna be gorged with tablets this Christmas; both wonderfully beautiful and user friendly, and horrible and ugly. It’ll be a forest out there, and you’ve gotta be ready.

The best computer on earth, period.

This is one of the computers from the Gamescon computer design contest. It’s my favorite. I think you know why too. SHA-BOOM.

iPod news!

It’s time for a little exposé on what may be coming up for Apple’s iPods during their yearly iPod event, slated for mid-September. It’s been a slow news month; don’t judge me.

Continue reading

The what?

I wish she would’ve said “No, I won’t do this” Either way, I got the serious vibe that if a guy did this, it would be extremely sexist.

What do you do with a free macbook air?

You do that. The screen didn’t work, so the internals were taken out, and stuffed inside the body of one of those clunky white apple keyboards, along with a keyboard and track pad.

Macbook Air Project

Proper use of a coffeehouse

Just because your iMac is small enough to carry around with you doesn’t mean you should.