Posts Tagged ‘ no thank you ’

PSP+ Phone=…..PsPhone?

Sony Ericsson is gonna make this strange Psp-Phone dohickey. Its cool, while at the same time, freaking me out. More importantly; Is it touchscreen?

Details remain pretty sketchy, but the new device is expected to run the upcoming Android 3.0 (Gingerbread) software, along with an entirely new gaming friendly ecosystem powered by a 1GHz Snapdragon processor. The form factor is expected to be a slider phone, but with PSP-style gaming controls instead of the normal QWERTY keyboard as shown in the mockup picture. The display resolution is expected to be at least WVGA, and a 5 megapixel camera might also be part of the package.

It also says the phone could debut as early as October. Cool idea; but I don’t want it. It might fail hard.


This is so utterly disgusting, I’m throwing up while I write this. Sweet heavens, who would do this to themselves? *gags* Sweet mother of god! *throws up* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

I’d punch this guy in the chest.

Ker-pow! BIFF! WA-BAP! That’s a broken Ipad.

This pre-shrunk heavyweight cotton tee sports a slit on the inside for sliding your tablet into, and there’s a window on the front that enables the wearer (or anyone else, for that matter) to fully interact with the tablet without you having to disrobe. Imagine that! Heck, there are even ports for accessing the dock connector and the 3.5mm headphone jack, which certainly helps to justify the otherwise unconscionable $49.95 to $54.95 price tag.

So, $54.95 to basically beg people to punch you in the chest AND break/steal your iPad. Gadgets don’t buy class.