Posts Tagged ‘ Not cool ’

Why, Andriod, Why?

WARNING; The images that you are about to see can be extremely offensive, so you’ll have to hit the jump to see them. The problem with this is that there’s an “Adolf Hitler” theme on the Android Market. Times like this make you sort of appreciate the over-censoring on Apple’s App store.

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“Flirting Class” for nerds. What?

Writing the post is gonna make me wanna punch someone in the nuts, and it sure as hell ain’t gonna be my nuts. The Potsdam University (south of Berlin) actually has a class for the computer-related major students so they can learn how to flirt. *punches self in nuts* Damnit…

The 440 students enrolled in the master’s degree course will learn how to write flirtatious text messages and emails, impress people at parties and cope with rejection.
Philip von Senftleben, an author and radio presenter who will teach the course, summed up his job as teaching how to “get someone else’s heart beating fast while yours stays calm.”

The course, which starts next Monday, is part of the social skills section of the IT course and is designed to ease entry into the world of work. Students also learn body language, public-speaking, stress management and presentation skills.

I DO NOT APPROVE! A college course for this? I had to learn how to flirt the old fashioned way, the awkward way, In the backseat of a BMW.