Posts Tagged ‘ WHEEEE ’

Bose make bluetooth headsets?

I suppose they do now. via Engadget

Bose is the latest, launching what it claims is its first single-ear Bluetooth headset. The aural implant carries the family name and touted audio quality / proprietary technology, but functionality-wise, it’s not much different than your run-of-the-mill earpiece. Of course, that branding carries a lot of weight with some folks, and for them, plan on paying just shy of $150 (before tax) when it comes out late November.

I really don’t know about this. Don’t get me wrong, I like Bose and all, they make good speakers, and oneĀ kickassĀ television, but it’s just plain expensive. I digress. Its the branding folks, All about branding.

(shameless plug time)

Geekologie T-shirts and mugs! Only $19.99 a piece! They’re selling almost like Hotcakes!

If that was in America…

Well…I don’t really even know. The police would just stare at the physics-defying SUV, wondering whether or not it’s breaking the law.